Ralph Rulle
Dahlienstr. 9
85591 Vaterstetten
Tel.: 08912414910
E-Mail: charter@messbar.de
Sales tax identification number: DE111534503
Responsible person in the sense of § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Ralph Rulle, Dahlienstr. 9, D-85591 Vaterstetten, Deutschland
Competent supervisory authority for the provision of audiovisual media services:
Bavarian Regulatory Authority for Commercial Broadcasting (BLM), Heinrich-Lübke-Str. 27, 81737 Munich, Germany,
phone: +49 (0)89 63 808-0, fax: +49 (0)89 63 808-140, e-mail: info@blm.de
EU Commission platform for online dispute resolution: https://ec.europa.eu/odr
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Member of the initiative “Fairness in trade”.
More information: https://www.fairness-im-handel.de